Saturday, October 6, 2012

Been A While? What We've Been Up To!

Okay, I know its been MONTHS since I blogged. But I made the choice a long time ago that what we do day to day is more important than any of my "extra" when school started up with full force on August 1st, we jumped right in, and E.T. sat quietly waiting to be updated.  What have we been up to? PLENTY! Rather than write paragraph after paragraph reviewing our summer segway into fall, I thought pics with brief captions would be more fun! So, here we go.....enjoy our snapshots of life here in the herd!
First Day Photo Shoot...we are real fancy round here!
With the on-set of rainy fall weather, we made certain to take advantage of glorious puddles! Look at P.E.'s sweet!
We've made sure to have plenty of goofy fun.... 
We HAVE done lots of educational studying the Water Cycle. (Making a cloud rain experiment I found on Pinterest!)
We had a "Johnny Appleseed Day" and made apple pies!
We played "Apple Tree Math" (Thanks again, Pinterest!!)

"Pink Elephant Appleseed"
"Blue Elephant Appleseed"
Proof that we do get down to business and push some pencils! ....Just in a fun format! :)
And there you have it.....our herd doing our thing! Thanks for stopping by! :)