Blue Elephant recently underwent surgery for an umbilical hernia he's had since birth. It's never bothered him much, but it's never grown closed on its own. So when we went to his 6 year check up, the doctor told me it had to be surgically repaired. A routine surgery, easy fix, out-patient procedure, all of that stuff. I heard him, but what I was thinking was: ANESTHESIA. I have an issue with anesthesia and my little elephants. Mainly, that it scares me to think of them with it in their body. I don't know, I cannot explain it. Pink Elephant had corrective eye surgery two years ago, and the anesthesia part scared me then. You'd think that, having gone through it with one kid, I'd be a little bit less of a nervous wreck this time around.....that was not the case.
It was still a major source of worry and fear for me, and I spent most of my prayers about the surgery focused on safety. Theres just something about a mother's concern spurred from love for her child that makes the whole "trusting the Lord" part of life difficult. BUT I knew I needed to, because, as a friend of mine pointed out today regarding children: "If He chooses to take them, is there anything we could do about it??" I DID find peace before the day of surgery; it was the result of much, much prayer on the part of many awesome friends and family.
All of my worry did not transfer to B.E., thankfully. On the morning of surgery, he came to me bright and early and said "Can we leave for my surgery now? It's going to be FANTASTIC!" Now, not every kid in the world would be so excited to be cut open, but then again, my Blue Elephant is an original! ;)
Since he is just so curious about EVERYTHING, when I told him that he'd be needing surgery, he had to know 'why' and 'how' and 'with what'....all the details. And I am a believer in giving kids as much information as they ask for, so I told him (in 6 year old terms) the details of how they'd cut, how he'd be asleep, etc etc. He asked the doctor at the consult appointment if he could SEE the instruments they'd be using. Thankfully for my stomach and B.E.'s little active brain, the doctor did NOT comply with that request! I think he actually may have been disappointed that he had to sleep through it and miss the fascinating process! (Only my elephant, I'm telling you...)
We are blessed to live close to one of the finest children's hospitals in the country, Vanderbuilt's Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital. We were also blessed that out pediatrician readily agreed to refer us there for the surgery. So, on surgery day, my excited (but a bit unsure, I could tell underneath it) elephant headed to Vandy, with Teddy in tow. (Teddy needed his ear fixed, by the way. He had an ear infection.) I could see B.E. transferring some of his nerves onto his concern for Teddy's condition. I assured him that both he and Teddy would wake up feeling just fine, and "all fixed up". :) The beautiful nurse @ Vandy even gave Teddy a gauze strip tied around his furry ear. B.E. was delighted!
I brought the camera, of course, so here is our trip through surgery in pictures!
What we are fixing! |
Teddy is coming to get fixed, too! |
Drawing what he thinks his new button will look like.... |
Getting prepped in those cute hospital jammies. |
Enjoying the stars and moon on the ceiling. |
Coloring with his cool new markers given by friends from our church. |
Even Daddy thought this marker set was cool! |
Future doctor?! The staff was quite taken with our Blue Elephant.
One of them kindly gave him his own stethoscope to take home! |
Doctor Elephant listens to Daddy Elephant's heart...
(Note the pink elephant balloon in the background.....B.E. LOVES this balloon!! ) |
Much, much, much later, B.E. is resting on the couch at home, post-op. |
What we GOT fixed!! (The big bandage came off just today...
but the belly button reveal won't happen till his steri-strips wear off. |
Get well cards from sweet friends at church. (Look, elephants!!)
I love love LOVE our church family! |
B.E. eating his breakfast the day after surgery.
He was still wearing his hospital bracelet and band-aid from the I.V.
I was so proud of the great job Blue Elephant did with the whole ordeal.... I was also so thankful that God provided our sweet friend Barbara who arrived at the hospital just a little while before they took B.E. back into surgery. Having her there in the waiting room with us kept my mind from going to places it shouldn't have.....she was such a blessing to us that day!!
I am thankful that the surgery went so well, and that so far B.E. is healing perfectly....he required barely any pain meds and is almost back to full steam ahead already. ( I had to bar him from climbing trees this afternoon at our homeschool boys' club meeting!! lol).
Thank you, Lord, for once again bringing our herd through another testing time.